Saturday, December 19, 2009

Chapter 5 ends

How many times things go just the way you want them to happen? and how many times you have jury exactly the way you want it to happen? JURY the big day where all your semesters work is analysed in few minutes and if you have impatient panel then you have to jump on the final concept without showing the process you focused on..

"I don't want to have a serious tension filled jury. i want it to be eased out with people all around and everyone laughing and enjoying" I told Mr. Bharuch before my jury. I had made my presentation in the same way that if anyone reads them they'll have a smile at least on one of the many slides. but what if external is a serious guy who does not believe in humor and will have some totally negative way of looking at me? it was a chance i had to take as it was this sem or never. I had immense fun in this semester working. i wanted it to reflect in my jury. but it was a risk.
I took that risk.
made the fun presentations and had everything planned and all set. Mr. Minda had his jury before mine and he so nicely forgot to explain our mechanisms contraption of breaking the egg. after reminding him we went and explained it to them. Our model which our dean asked not to show in jury was something they liked. i sighed and i had a hope that my jury might go how i planned.

It started with "hello sir, am Rohan Saraf". "sorry whats your first name?" "ROHAN". "aah Rohan". ":D". then i said lets start with composites? they didn't say no. and JURY started. went on. and on and on. by the end everyone in the room, jury panel, External faculty(with some awesome sense of humor), me, all audience at back, all of them were laughing and i was jumping around. This is exactly how i wanted it to be. Was i dreaming? NO i wasn't. it was just what i wanted. I didn't care about grade. they got all the enthusiasm and energy i put in my work. i had a big smile on face and I cant wait for the 6TH sem to start now. i want it to start and i want to start working again. so i am going to do things that will keep me on track till sem 6 starts..